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hi! i really loved playing this demo!! it has so much content already!!


any chance that you can full release this on my PC crashes when i download steam.

I can't install it on Linux :(


Any chance for a sale on GoG? I'd rather not buy this on steam.


think you could make a .zip for windows? I cant figure out how to use .rar files :/


Download 7zip

The game is very cooooool and greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat and very very gooooooooooooooooood thank you for this game


Sorry I don't do steam, can you sell the game here instead.

why dont u use steam

me recuerda bastante a stardew balley pero muchisimo un poco sospechoso 

(1 edit)

Spanish translation please

And port to android by the way


"Reminds me a lot of Stardew Balley but very much a little suspicious"


Really cute, fun little life/farm sim game^^ Reminds me how badly I need to add fishing and farming mechanics to my game engine, oof!

Just wanted to stop by and say, I'm almost maxed out on everything in this on Steam! Such a fun game, plugged in my Xbox controller and just chilled for HOURS enjoying myself. Great job and hope to see more from you. 

Good game! 

The truth, I would appreciate that in the future a port to android is made, so after work hours I can use it to play at being an adventurous mayor. 

For now, it only remains to say, good developer and programmer job.


Solo me sale un archivo .rar, que hago?

extraelo, ton   to. 


Cuando lo extraigo me aparece que es un archivo .rar :/

Perdón por el insulto jaja. 

Bastante rara tu situación... veré si descargándolo yo, me pasa ese problema... si sí, pues es cosa del creador. 

la versión que quieres es la de WIN, no?

No me paso lo dicho, es cosa de tu PC. xD


wait, the thing here is just the demo? ):


yep sadly its just a demo you can go on steam to get it, sadly you do have to pay for it


fantastic game that my crapy laptop can handle cant wait for full release


el juego esta completo en steam pero es de pago entonces pone una demostracion gratis aca creo XD


the full release is out, but its on steam and its not free


Show post...

it has released on steam in 2020



remember you need to have the right graphics driver opengl im not sure


This game is amazing. I love the sprites art and the stardew valley feeling from it. I really like peaceful simulator building kind of games and this is definitely one of them. The characters were fun to talk to and making my own community was really fun. Loved it overall


Really crappy of you to advertise your game on, but sell exclusively on other platforms. Plus you only link to steam, not gog. You're taking advantage of the indie game community in order to funnel money into steam's pockets, and fuel the market's obsession with unnecessary and ineffective DRM. Way to be a jerk.


sheesh chill out they just want to market there game and offer a free demo, is that gonna kill you, also imagine arguing with someone on the internet


The problem is that offering a demo here costs Littlewood nothing, but costs for hosting. If everyone put their demos here for free, but refused to sell their products here, then would disappear. It's not fair of Littlewood to take advantage of in this way, contributing nothing in return. It's very easy to upload games here, and the only reason not to is because they think we're not worth the time. It's inconsiderate, insulting, and potentially dangerous to do what Littlewood is doing.


Good point, still, I dont think that was there intention


Ya thank you for explaining.  Stem does allow trial/demo editions.  So if they want to go with Steam then why take up resources here.  If they want to use resources here then why sell on Steam. 

That's so good


"This is a free demo for Littlewood which is currently on Steam!"

And GoG, as that's where I bought mine! Great game BTW, veery addicting!


how do i download this? it is not a folder also why did you make it a .rar file


The game is inside the .rar file. If u can't open it then just download Winrar or 7-zip to be able to open .rar files. Then just open it and extract the game folder where ever you like


will there be spanish translation for the game? my english is very basic and sometimes i have to use the translator (i'm using it right now to write this)


Any info about when to expect the full Littlewood game on  Would LOVE to support DRM-free Littlewood!


I'd also be interested in buying this on


Well, it's also DRM-Free on GoG if that's any consolation...

whats DRM?

Software which makes it so you can't play your games.  An example would be software requiring that you authenticate to someone else's server before you can play your game, or requiring that  you're online before you can play your game.  Any such restrictions are anti-you, and if those services ever fail, or if you want to simply play your game without doing what they say, you can't, which means you don't actually own your own game.


I made a video on this.

is there a way to copy my demo save to the steam save?

if there is a ¨Saves¨ folder in both versions I reckon you could just drag your save from the demo version to the steam version. I might be wrong tho.


(I bought this on Steam but wanted to show support here too!)

This game is absolutely AMAZING! A total 10/10 for me and something I would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys stuff like Stardew Valley, Minecraft, or any farming/crafting game in general. The controls feel great, the characters are cute and fun, and the game isn't punishing yet still feels like you need to put thought into the actions you take through the day. So excited to keep playing this!


I played couple of hours the steam version. I very like vision. I hope you will have a supportive community!


nice naming lol


This was a lot of fun! wish I could get the full game :/ good job!


I loved the demo, too bad I don't have the money to buy the full version.


i cant dowload the game

It wouldn't work on my windows. I downloaded it but I'm stuck on this screen.


You're supposed to extract the file you idiot.


what game engan did you make this with?



Any chance the final game will be released on Itch?


This game is amazing, I bought it on steam shortly after playing the demo. It combines perfect elements of town building, adventure, farming, and cute graphics. It's like harvest moon DS meets Animal Crossing. Easily has become one of my favorite games.


Just updated the Littlewood demos. Let me know if you run into any problems and I will upload a fix!

nice, thanks Sean! 

you might want to edit the opening sentence on the page though... its no longer an "ongoing" campaign... :)

it says demo not trailer on the link...... just, ya know, seems off to not have a playable demo.

(1 edit)

There was a demo (i played it) in early game development stage. I guess he removed it.

I seriously love this game! Made a seperate save file just for recording.

Whow reminds mee of the 80s lolol

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