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I loved Littlewood! The characters are fun, the colors are warm and bright, and the art style is adorable. I also really liked the concept. 

Super cute game! Absolutely loved it! I only had one problem, when you're building something, it'd be nice if it didn't move you cause I wound up getting stuck next to a house, a tree, and mailbox and didn't know I could just move things yet, but luckily moving the mailbox teleported me away. Made a video, I hope you enjoy! 

The nice thing about that mechanic is it allows you to teleport out of those situations or to high/low spots on the map that would otherwise take a long time to walk to. Just open build mode, select the move or destroy option, move the selection tile to where you want to teleport, then back out of the menus. Boom, you're there!

I played this last month for my Indie Game Showcase. I absolutely loved this game and am looking forward to it's release. 

this was amazing! Can't wait to see more!


anyone like my bedroom?

What program did you use for this? I'd like to make an mmorpg type game myself.

He used Unity.


Sleeping Outdoors

why lag in moving?


This game is too cute! Fairly similar to Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon but it's such an adorable and cute take on the genre.

I loved the way the game started (the player being the hero of a previous (unseen) game/story was such a neat idea) and, generally speaking, the progression to begin with felt good (The progression will likely change as the game gets more developed, I'm sure ;P)

I'm so excited to see this early demo of the game develop into a full length game :D

I made a little video of my first Impression of the demo, and I'm going to be playing it a little more yet ;P

I made a little follow up video, just cause I missed a little bit towards the end of the demo ;P


This right here, this is the most exciting demo I've played for a long while. And there's a whole bunch of reasons for that!

Firstly, it hits my nostalgia gland pretty hard. The old school style and design instantly appeals to the kid in me that played way too much Harvest Moon on the Game Boy. And at the same time it has a very modern feel to it, an updated retro feel!

Next, everything just flows so nicely. You wake up, talk to a character, learn how to do a thing and then go and do the thing. Then you learn a new thing and do that, all the while picking up on other little things in between. In the space of the five days you can play in the demo I experienced so much, and I can only imagine how much more there is!

Also, the characters are instantly likable. I love everyone I've encountered so far (even if I did mercilessly rib most of them and denied one of them a bed). It's such a feelgood game, it really perked up my day just playing it!

Finally, the huge amounts of customization you can put out there to manipulate the landscape and make room for new buildings and eventually the farmland is mind-boggling. I can't wait to get more into that and will definitely, definitely be grabbing a copy of this when it comes out. I must get more people into Bumville!

Congrats on the success of the Kickstarter campaign, and be sure to take players' experiences and opinions to heart as you continue to develop the game, and after release too! Close communication with the community is really what makes good games great. Keep up the awesome work! =)


The ease of and ability to shape the landscape without a cost is one of the things I really like about the game. No crazy planning, just move the landscape and buildings if you want to reorganize. Beautiful. Relaxing.

even this is only a demo, can you make it longer? only longer even tho its a demo 

Congrats on the successful Kickstarter. I'll definitely get this on Steam once it's released. ^^ I'd like to share my thoughts and feedback if you don't mind. You're probably already fixing some issues as we speak since the release date is nearing, but maybe you'd like to hear it nonetheless. 


  • I love the premise of the forgotten identity and rebuilding a town.
  • The customization / crafting options are insane! My mouth literally fell open when I found out I could change the structure and appearance of my town to its full extent.
  • I like the automatic tool selection. It's very user friendly.
  •  I'm glad there isn't any time pressure and the game uses energy to progress time instead. This is very relaxing and also calls for some strategic thinking regarding time management, which I also enjoy.
  • The characters are likeable and spark my curiosity.
  • The sound effects are very satisfying.


  • I have a pretty good laptop (i7 processor, 16 GB RAM, GTX 1050 Ti) but it didn't take long before the fans started blowing and my CPU began to overheat.
  • The player movement felt a bit wonky. I couldn't accurately predict my movements and bumped into objects a lot. When I pressed a button it felt like the walking animation continued on a tad too long.
  • I would personally like to see how much energy points I still have left alongside the energy bar.

Oh yeah, I will say that I wish there was a way, at a glance, to see how many resources you have available. Maybe something like a classic RTS would show them at the top/bottom of the screen. The game Foundation does things nicely in this respect with all informational screens being in moveable windows.
That would also be a neat addition to the game; allowing assignment of NPCs to jobs. Ash seems to be a simplified version of a harvester/miner but that's just triggered by having the Quarry so I'd imagine that the 'auto-mining' is a mechanic of the Quarry and not the NPC.
I've seen several people commenting on difficulties with character movement but I haven't noticed any issues. I'm playing the Steam version, so I'm not sure if maybe it was revamped for that one.

WOW! I love this and I wanna play more! Bubsy!! 💌


NO ANDROID???!?!!?!??!?

its so cute but controls not liking no use of the mouss but hopefully u can use a controller on steam in may awsone whats the date 

(1 edit)

I just tried the demo.  It feels a lot like Animal Crossing with a dash of Dark Cloud... but unfortunately it runs very poorly on my computer.  All the same I look forward to Littlewood's release.  Admittedly it would had been a nice surprise if this was a full action-adventure (as implied from dialogue) with this massive post-game system but as a pure construction/crafting adventure this is very pleasant with a good excuse for why you are rebuilding a town yourself.

Quick edit: Littlewood running poorly is not something the game itself may be at fault for.  My computer is old and doesn't handling some things well.


This game is just so darn adorable to the max and back! what a great idea about being a hero who has already saved the day! i had some fun giving the first little bit a whirl! 

This is a really cute game with intuitive mechanics and some nice graphics. My only issue is the days feel a little too short (might just be in the demo though) and sometimes when I build something, the game would trap me in an inconvenient spot.

Otherwise I'm looking forward to seeing the full game.

You can teleport around by opening the build menu, selecting the move or destroy option, moving the cursor/selection tile to where you want to teleport and then backing out of the menus. Even without making any changes, this mechanic will still teleport you to the last place you had the selection tile.

I just finished the demo. The game looks promising.

does this work on XP?


its up to u to rip off a game


This is more like inspired by Stardew Valley, they have alot of differences.

This game takes inspiration from other games, but it is by no means a rip-off or a clone. I'd also like to point out that some of the best games (most if not all) came about by being improved versions of certain game styles and mechanics.
For example, look at Diablo. If you go back far enough you see similarities to Gauntlet. Yet Diablo took that style of game and its mechanics, made them its own and improved on them dramatically to make a fantastic game. Then you have games like Path of Exile and Grim Dawn (built in the Titan Quest engine, so the same could be said of that one) that are still action RPGs in the same style as Diablo but with different skill systems that make them unique and strong games in their own right.
RPGs in general are always going to be based on a previous system and are the easiest to identify how they've progressed over the years, but you see this progression in many other genres as well.

in demo version i saw 2 Willow ...

Can i make youtube content with this game?

Honestly no, it's a simple demo which is up to five days and then it stars over.


so.. you say they can't make a video on it just because it's short? they can if they want to, even if it's a short video review

Yeah, but it'll be a demo review really and not a full game review. They can do whatever the want :p

yeah, I guess you're right :D also sorry if I came off rude

When I placed the store I got stuck behind it.

go into build mode and build something else

Or you can go into build mode, select move or destroy, move the cursor to where you want to teleport and then back out of the menus. You'll pop to the last location of the selection tile.


Very cute. Do have some criticisms, but overall think it has a lot of potential!!


Littlewood is the first game in years that made me want to replay the demo immediately after finishing it. It's a quaint living sim with a RPG satire flavor, scratching all the right itches for Animal Crossing and SimCity fans alike. Can't wait for the full release!


I pressed continue, the key on my laptop and it won't even let me access the game. Wow such quality.

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. This doesn't seem to be a common problem based on other comments.


Played the demo, absolutely fell in love with it.  Can't wait for the final version!


I love it! It's such a cute and interesting game, I can't wait to play the full version.

very interesting game. Can't wait till it's done!


Very well done, the walk is a bit rough, the menus should be able to have interactions with your mouse, but overall amazingly done!

It's unclear how to get/make the tools. The controls are very clunky with WASD, just let me use my mouse with the menus.

Super Cute!

This game is super cute and really great. I will definitely be buying the finished game. I think the tutorial might need a little more direction but overall it's super nice. 

when harvestmoon being a major of town and being a heroes

ofc its become our favorite game when thats happen

It looks so cute! Definitely my kind of game.

looks like a game that should be played.

I only just started, and this game looks great!

Littlewood - New Kickstarter campaign

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